

Telehealth services offered in Lanham, MD and Washington, DC


Telehealth services offered in Lanham, MD and Washington, DC

Telehealth offers a way to get the care you need, when and where you need it, which is one of many advanced services made available by the team at Chivic Healthcare Services in Lanham, Maryland, and Washington, DC. If you’d like to try telehealth or have questions about how this service might meet your needs, call the office to book a visit or schedule an appointment online.

Telehealth Q&A

How does telehealth work?

Telehealth happens when you combine top-quality health care with advanced communications technology. It’s a way to connect with your practitioner remotely, no matter where you are. You can conduct a telehealth visit using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or a video-enabled cell phone. 

Remotely accessing health services is beneficial for executives and others who travel for work, as well as for busy parents. While convenience is the primary benefit of telehealth, this service is also an option for immunocompromised people or those with mobility issues. 

What kinds of health needs can telehealth services meet?

Telehealth allows you to connect with your practitioner through a video call. While there are limitations to what you can accomplish through a remote visit, you might be surprised to learn how many services you can access through telehealth. 

If you’re working with your practitioner on mental health support, including stress management, depression, or eating disorders, remote visits offer the chance to discuss questions and concerns and conduct counseling. 

People with one or more chronic health conditions can also benefit from telehealth. When you need guidance or support with lifestyle modifications, a telehealth visit is a great way to keep moving forward with your progress. 

A telehealth call can deliver many services traditionally provided through in-person sick visits. You explain your symptoms and receive guidance on self-care options and any prescriptions you might need. If your practitioner determines additional in-person testing is necessary, they tell you during your remote visit. 

How should I prepare for my telehealth visit?

As you’re getting ready for your appointment, consider the location where you will set up your device. Find a quiet and calm place, and set up near an outlet so you don’t have to worry about battery issues. 

Lighting is also important; consider a place near natural light or move a lamp to improve the lighting. Your practitioner needs to be able to see you clearly to assess your condition. 

As with any health visit, feel free to prepare a written list of questions or concerns and have a pencil and paper ready to take notes during the visit. 

When you’re ready to try telehealth, contact the office online or by phone to find a time that fits your schedule.