
Annual Physicals

Annual Physicals services offered in Lanham, MD and Washington, DC

Annual Physicals

Annual Physicals services offered in Lanham, MD and Washington, DC

An annual physical is an important part of protecting your health, preventing adverse medical outcomes, and helping you and your family thrive. The team of skilled providers at Chivic Healthcare Services in Lanham, Maryland, and Washington, DC, offer annual physicals to customize your wellness plan and maximize your current and future health. To schedule your appointment, call the office or book online today.

Annual Physicals Q&A

How important are annual physicals?

Annual physicals are essential for protecting the health and well-being of all members of your family, and Chivic Healthcare Services offers care for ages four and older. They keep you updated on the status of your health, identify potential concerns, help prevent illness, and give you the opportunity to discuss questions with your provider.

What can I expect during my annual physical?

When you come in for your annual physical, your provider will review your medical history and ask about any changes to your health. You’ll discuss your lifestyle, including your diet, exercise, smoking, drinking, or other relevant habits. It’s essential to be honest with your provider so they can give you effective, personalized care.

You can also use this time to discuss necessary vaccinations, sexual health, or wellness goals.

The Chivic Healthcare Services team will check your vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, and temperature. Using a stethoscope, your provider can detect heart murmurs, irregular heartbeats, or other indicators of heart disease.

Your provider may listen to your abdomen using a stethoscope to ensure bowel health or palpate the area to check for tenderness or the presence of abdominal fluid. They may also listen to your lungs for any crackling, wheezing, or other sounds that might indicate lung disease.

You can also expect a head and neck exam. These vital areas play a prominent role in your day-to-day quality of life and can also give good indications of underlying health issues.

Are there differences in annual physicals for men and women?

While checking your vitals will remain the same, there may be some specific differences. For example, a physical for men may also investigate the health of the testicles, penis, and prostate, along with a hernia exam.

Women’s physicals may include aspects of well-woman exams like checking the breasts and pelvic areas for irregularities and assessing risks. 

Will my annual physical require lab testing?

You may not need lab testing at every physical, but having annual tests can give you critical warning signs of prediabetes, heart disease, or other significant health conditions before they become a major problem.

To schedule your annual physical at Chivic Healthcare Services, reach out to the friendly staff by calling the office today or book your appointment online at any time of day or night.